How to Download window 11 before release?

Hey my techie friends looking to download window 11 which are the new amazing version of window 10 then good news for you, you can download the preview of window 11 before the release date but the condition is that your pc meet the following system criteria
the window 11 is coming with a bundle of amazing features which includes a new amazing UI with the implementation of some beautiful animation and modified window own unique system sound also introduce new desktop tools, Android apps support which provides better connectivity with android devices

Following are some basic system requirement to download window 11
Why before download windows 11 need minimum system requirements? Windows 11 is designed and built as a complete set of experiences it needs a minimum system requirement tp unlock the full power of the PC which enables the user to adapt software and hardware to keep pace with people’s expectations, needs and harness to deliver the best experiences so, you must match following criteria to download window 11
- Security. Windows 11 raises the bar for security by requiring hardware that can enable protections like Windows Hello, Device Encryption, virtualization-based security (VBS), hypervisor-protected code integrity (HVCI) and Secure Boot. The combination of these features has been shown to reduce malware by 60% on tested devices. To meet the principle, all Windows 11 supported CPUs have an embedded TPM, support secure boot, and support VBS and specific VBS capabilities.
- Reliability. Devices upgraded to Windows 11 will be in a supported and reliable state. By choosing CPUs that have adopted the new Windows Driver model and are supported by our OEM and silicon partners who are achieving a 99.8% crash free experience.
- Compatibility. Windows 11 is designed to be compatible with the apps you use. It has the fundamentals of >1GHz, 2-core processors, 4GB memory, and 64GB of storage, aligning with our minimum system requirements for Office and Microsoft Teams.

Download window 11 : Steps (Beta Version)

- You must be running a licensed version of Windows 10. Sign up for Windows Insider Program, sign in to your Insider account, and click on Start. Signup Now
- Go to Settings, hit Update & Security, then Windows Insider Program, and click on Get Started.
- Choose an account that is registered with Microsoft and continue. There are three different channels: the Dev channel (for developers), the beta channel (for early adopters), and the release preview channel (if you want to experience the latest version before release).
- Agree to Privacy Statement and Terms, click confirm, and then hit the Restart Now button. After the system is rebooted, go to Settings, then Privacy, then Diagnostics & Feedback and enable Optional Diagnostic Data.
- Finally, go to Settings, click on Update & Security, and press on Windows Update. You will get to see the latest Insider Preview build based on the settings you selected.
as per latest leaks window 11 will be available to download officially in October 2021 for all who has license version of window 10 stay touch with nextsoon to stay updated with latest tech world.
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